The Business Move That Suddenly Increased My Tiny Course Sales

In early May 2021, after months of having a niggling irritation, I made a decision to stop following a conventional marketing strategy that we all get taught — and as a result, my course sales skyrocketed!

That discussion was to remove the option to sign up to my newsletter on my website, and instead only give students and clients the option to join my list.

I wasn’t sure if this was the wisest decision because ‘strategically’ I know that having and growing my list gives me more options and makes me less reliant on social media.

Nonetheless, I could feel my body buzzing with excitement to do this, and when I clicked ‘Save’, I felt so good!

What happened next blew my mind.

My tiny course sales increased by 53% in May, and then 70% in June — based on the previous six month average.

It’s been so paradigm shifting to see how people happily go ahead and buy what they need — when the option to passively ‘subscribe’ is taken away.


Going by this trend, it looks like this decision to remove my newsletter sign-up option was indeed a wise one.

And if the trend continues, it's going to give this highly sensitive soul a lot more freedom as to how and where I spend my time — all because I questioned the marketing 'norm' of offering a free newsletter.

If venturing into tiny courses appeals to you then do checkout out Create a Tiny Course, it provides a framework and templates so you don’t have to start from scratch with your own creation.

Have a question or a takeaway from what I’ve shared here?

Let’s chat in the comments ⤵


Danielle Gardner
The Quiet Marketer
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